Adam Bergman's Team-In-Training Pledge Page

Hi. Thanks for visiting my web page for Team in Training. I am running and fundraising again for Chicago 2003. In the last year, my donors (you!) helped to raise well over $13,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through this marathon. This year, I have already raised over $3000 largely due to the very generous donation made by Krohn and Moss' Consumer Law Centers (check them out in the links). To hear more about past races, click on diary and look at some of the entries. To see race photos, click on photos.

This year, I am at it again and once again, I am a mentor. This means that I am there to help several other first time Team in Training runners who are training for Chicago as well. The race is October 12. Go the links and check out the Chicago Marathon to hear more about the race. Maybe you'd like to run too!!

Team in Training (TNT) is an excellent organization and through TNT, everyone involved trains for a race, and helps to fundraise several thousand dollars. In our fundraising and training, our thoughts are with our patient hero. Two years ago, our patient hero was Johnny Romanski, a 9 year old boy who is currently in remission from Leukemia.
Last year, we ran in memory of Robert Choquette, who passed away last summer from A.L.L. (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia). Robert was a very active guy, who liked to hike, scuba dive and do other outdoor activities. Robert was in the Marine Corps and was married for 10 years. His sister-in-law Caroline is both our family contact and she ran the race as well!

This year, our patient hero, Jordan Nazon (pictured) is a 7 year old girl who is currently in remission from Leukemia. She likes to play soccer and to swim. She is also a big fan of Sponge Bob Square Pants. Jordan will be attending Camp One Step at a Time (a camp for kids with cancer) this summer. The website for this camp can be found in the links.

Thank you so much for checking out my site. Don't forget to look at the pictures from last year and to check out some of the links.
